Asbestos: what you need to know
3 Apr 2023
Asbestos is a natural rock that is turned into fibres and previously used in building materials from the 1950s until the 1980s.
While the dangers of asbestos are well documented, some older houses still have asbestos in them. Please note that this material is only harmful if distrubed or if it is in poor condition.
Asbestos may be found in slates, corrugated cement sheeting, soffit boards, gutters/ downpipes, chimney flues, water tank trays, textured decorative coatings, wall and bath panels, plastic floor tiles, toilet seat and cistern, open fire/room heaters and pipe ducting.
If you are a Squared customer and you suspect asbestos is in your home, please contact us immediately. If you are aware of asbestos in your property that has become damaged please inform us immediatley so we can have this safely removed by specialists.