Squared Complaints Handling
Whilst we always strive to do the best we can, sometimes there will be occasions where we fall short. A robust complaints policy ensures we learn and develop our services to meet the standards our customers expect.
We assess our complaints handling performance annually against the requirements of the Housing Ombudsman’s Statutory Complaints Handling Code. Please view the document below to see our self-assessment for June 2024.
Complaints handling self assessment June 2024
Our self-assessment forms part of our Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report. To see the annual report of our complaint handling performance and service improvements for 2023-24, please view the document below.
Annual complaints performance and service improvement report 2023-24
The document below provides our Board of Management’s (governing body) response to our self-assessment.
Governing Body’s Response to Squared’s Complaint Handling Self-assessment June 2024
Customers have the right at any stage in the complaints process to access the Housing Ombudsman service for support and advice, alternatively you can refer to the Housing Ombudsman complaint handling code.
Housing Ombudsman complaint handling code
Housing Ombudsman service website
Or you can call the service on 0300 111 3000.