Your help makes a huge difference

As a not-for-profit organisation, we strive to help as many people as possible and donations are vital for us to do this. When you fundraise for us or give a monetary donation, you’re doing something really amazing. You’re helping us make a big difference to someone trying to turn their life around. Many who come to us are homeless, held back by poverty or stuck in cycles of limiting behaviour. By providing a home and support we can help them move towards a much brighter future.

We’d love you to volunteer with us

As well as monetary support, we also rely on the brilliant work of our volunteers. If you’d like to join us as a volunteer and get involved in the rewarding work of helping to transform people’s lives, please contact us. We review our volunteering opportunities regularly and will be in touch soon.

Thanks very much for your interest. We really appreciate it.

If you’d like more details about fundraising or volunteering for Squared, please get in touch.

Contact us