Guaranteed income for private landlords
We’ve been leasing properties from private landlords since 2003 and many of our original landlords are still with us. As the demand for properties in Luton has increased, we’re looking to work with more landlords to accommodate people in need.
Expert property management for FREE
If you lease your property to us, we’ll let it out and manage it on your behalf. You’ll get a free property management service that’s both professional and hassle-free and offers all the following benefits:
- Long leases (1-3 years) on all types of properties
- Guaranteed monthly payments paid in advance – even if the property (or a room in it) is empty or the tenant hasn’t paid their rent
- Paid legal costs
- An experienced housing management team
- In-house repairs and maintenance service
- In-house cleaning and gardening services
- A comprehensive inventory with digital photographs
- Property returned in good condition
- No hidden fees
As well as letting properties for tenants to live in alone or as part of a couple or family, we also lease properties for use as shared houses. They’re known as houses in multiple occupation or HMOs. In an HMO, the tenant rents a bedroom with access to communal facilities and we manage the whole property, including taking responsibility for the bills.